Rice Amino Acids

Rice Amino Acids

Rice amino acids are derived from rice protein and are used in many hair care products, including shampoos and conditioners.

Proline Amino Acid

Proline Amino Acid

Proline is sometimes used in hair care products like shampoos and conditioners because of its unique properties.

Baobab Seed Extract

Baobab fruit and seeds

Baobab seed extract is a natural ingredient that is commonly used in hair masks to promote healthy hair growth and nourish the scalp. It is derived from the seeds of the baobab tree, which is native to Africa.

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein

Green soy beans on spoon

Hydrolyzed Soy Protein is a cosmetic ingredient commonly found in hair care products like shampoos and conditioners. It is derived from soybean, which is a natural source of protein.